Series: Church History and Future
The 16th Century Reformation of Religion (Part I - The Background)
The Jesmond Consecration
JPC Press Statement - New Style English Bishop
New Style Orthodox Bishops
7th Century Lessons from the North East for the Evangelization of Britain in the 21st Century
Reformation in the Nation and Church
John Newton's New Year Challenge
The Athanasian Creed
C S Lewis, Old Books, J C Ryle and Relevant Holiness
Growing to 2000: The Next Step
Getting to 2000 in Five Years
Church Growth and Looking to the Future
Theology, C. S. Lewis and The Athanasian Creed
The Conversion of England (400-700AD)
The Four Ecumenical Councils and the Athanasian Creed
Biblical Reasons for "Why Look Back?"
Scripture, Tradition and Reason; Thoughts following the Papal Visit (September 2010)
Bishop Patrick of Ireland's Confession
Lent with C.S.Lewis
John Calvin and the 'Institutes of the Christian Religion'
Northern Daily Express (15 January 1861) and Bishop Henry Villiers
Jesmond Parish Church, Church Growth and Launching New Churches - A Century Ago
Wilberforce, Slavery, Sexual Morality and R.P.George
Nicea, Athanasius and His Creed
William Carey - Getting the Gospel Out
John Newton - The Forgotten Hero
Paulinus and Josephine Butler
"Maintain and Proclaim"
Saddlebacks, Basics and Paradigms
Autumn Christian Institute Lecture
Godly Living, Church Growth and Changing Britain
John Charles Ryle 1816-1900
The Church in Today's World
Reflections on a Sabbatical
Philadelphia, Statistics and Costs
"The Imitation of Christ" (Modernized with Introduction)
The Jesmond Statement and the Continuing Story
Twenty-five Years
a) The True Church
b) 20:20 Vision, the Church in the Next Millenium