Series: Invitation Service
How not to waste your life
Fearless? What Do You Trust in a Fear-Full World?
Life that doesn't end
What hope do we have?
Irrelevant, intolerant and out of date?
Can life have meaning without God?
God's welcome for failures
What is Success?
How Does God Feel About Me?
An Invitation Not To Be Refused
An Opportunity Not to Be Missed
Achieving Victory From the Jaws of Defeat
You Can't Talk to Her!
Why is the Gospel Good News?
Who Are You and What Are You Here For?
What Is Life: Tragedy Or Comedy?
Christianity: Rules or Relationship?
How To Live
Don't Believe the Lies: Truth to Set You Free
One life - What's it all about?
Who Needs God? Can't We Just Be Good?
Invitation Service with Gospel Choir
Why Follow Jesus?
What is Success?
Is Life Better Without God?
Searching For Approval and Significance
A Fresh Start
How can you Believe in a God who allows Suffering?
Invitation Service
The Queen and Christian Commitment
The Claim of Christ and the Queen's Coronation
The Queen and Christian Commitment (Chinese)
Has Science Disproved God?
The Gift of Life (Chinese)
The Gift of Life
The King of Kings' Speech
Hoping for Heaven
A Second Chance
Invitation Service
How do I get Eternal Life?
You Are Invited
Invitation Service
Searching For Satisfaction
Is God Real?
Whoever you are, Whatever you've done, This is for you
Good Enough for God
The Gift
How Can We Know the Real Jesus?
Dan Brown or Holy Bible: Who Do You Believe?
The Abolition of Man
Why Follow Jesus?
A Fresh Start
Christianity Explored
The Promise of New Life
The Purpose of The Passion
Mothering Sunday
Wars and Rumours of Wars
To Win Or Not To Win
What Is It You Want?
How Bad People Get To Heaven
The Cross that really makes a Difference
The Cross Of Christ
The Love Of God
True Love
Who Goes To Heaven?
A Purposeful People
What Is A Christian?
The Way Back To God
"I Can't Belive That!"
What Would It Be Like To Have The Perfect Child?
The Meaning Of Life
Why Bother With Jesus?