Jesus Makes Christmas Really Good News!
The visit of the wise men
How do we connect to God?
The death of death
Who is Jesus, why did he die, and what does he want?
Journeying on
Stepping out in faith
What are the implications of the resurrection?
Is Christianity Good For The World?
The loving kindness of God
Christmas: Our Mission Rescue
The unified story
The cross and the glory and wisdom of God
The choice that Jesus made
A meal with God?
Confirmed in Love
Look to the King
Magi, kings and ancient prophecies
A new and perfect government
The visit of the wise men
God with us
Joy in the morning
Why is the enviroment my problem?
Nothing but the truth
Giving what belongs to the Lord
The Poor Widow
Giving Willingly (in testing times)
Treasure in Heaven
Character Over Comfort
Back to Basics: Godly Living
How will we respond to God's grace?