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Woes for the Babylonians
God's Wise Timing
Jesus Makes Christmas Really Good News!
How do you feel about Jesus?
Jesus' True Priority
The king with authority
Keeping the gospel central
Stay motivated through thick & thin
What's my motivation?
Bearing witness with the Holy Spirit
What kind of God is among us?
God's unstoppable kingdom
Who do you say Jesus is?
What is the source of satisfaction in your life?
Do I really want to live as a Christian?
King David's song of praise
A Pattern of repentance
The Holy Spirit changes us
No opposition is too great for God
Seeing Jesus for who he really is
Does God really care about me?
Don't be afraid
Pass the gospel on
Forgiveness is our greatest need
How to refocus on God
Contending for truth
Wholehearted worship
Harmony and Humility
The choice that Jesus made
Look to the King
Is it worth it?
Success comes from God
Faith brings triumph as well as trial
The Hope of Heaven
Get your thinking right
Where did it all go wrong?
The Conqueror and the Battle
Our Identity As Church Versus The World
Beware of False Prophets
Why Is the World the Way It Is?
What Are Your Priorities?
Spirit-Enabled Giving
Barnabas on Caring
Peter on Service
Why, How and What to Pray
Talking to God
A Study of True Repentance
David's Census
Jesus Prays for Us
Evening Service